Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster - Essay Example s on the personnel and public; and effects on the nuclear industry, changes enacted by the Department of Energy or Nuclear Regulatory Commission to prevent or minimize recurrence of the event in the US. Also, personal views about the disaster have been stated all throughout the paper. Studies or reports about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has been also cited in the paper. It has been few years since a tragedy happened in Japan wherein several people died along with millions of properties and industry. Several dreams had gone as disasters came along the way. It was really hard for the Japanese people to move on but they should and they did. Knowing the country of Japan as the country of industrious people, they came now to be fine after what had happened to them. It is actually good to see the positive views of that tragic moment in the country because people can get stronger and improve even more. The government also stood on their mission and vision to serve everyone more over in the midst of challenges. However, there are still things that need to be clarified or studied so that people could be able to understand what really happened. What really happened with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster? According to Anzai, et al (2012), it was March 11, 2011 when an earthquake and tsunami hit the northeastern part of Japan. These natural occurrences brought a huge problem in the country especially to the stabilization of nuclear plants. Addition to that, Anzai, et al (2012) also said that: â€Å"Operating reactors shut down automatically, with control rods inserting into the reactor cores. However, the 14-meter tsunami triggered by the earthquake disabled all AC power to Units 1, 2, and 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant, carrying away fuel tanks for emergency diesel generators. Water injection failed in the emergency core cooling system of Units 1, 2, and 3. Since the normal cooling system was inoperable, a pressure valve was opened manually to reduce

Monday, October 28, 2019

Milo Yiannopoulos, Racism and Hate Speech

Milo Yiannopoulos, Racism and Hate Speech Racism and hate speech have always managed to find a way to survive in America, past and present. It is certainly considered more taboo than it ever has been, yet it remains relevant in society in more ways than ever. Milo Yiannopoulos ideas and speeches are evidence of this, and his plans to speak at UC Berkeley came to a halt when some violent protesters began vandalising the area. This protest has spawned an entirely new free speech movement, aimed at supporting hate speech instead of freedom speech. Milo Yiannopoulos recently planned a speech at the University of California Berkeley as part of his nationwide tour of speeches, focused on spreading the hateful messages of the alt-right. Gathered outside of the arena where he was scheduled to speak, students began to gather in protest of the hate speech Yiannopoulos is known for. People had decided action be taken to stop Yiannopoulos from spreading his racist and transphobic views, which led to the protests (Wong). However, protests soon turned violent when a group of students dressed in black began lighting off fireworks and attacking police barricades. As the new groups protests began to escalate, it was announced that the event would be cancelled. The decision was made by Berkeleys administration for safety purposes. But in the aftermath of the whole event, many people have been left questioning the ethicality of the entire situation. Even though many may feel letting Yiannopoulos speak on campus was unethical, mostly due to his controversial hate oriented speeches and ideas, the administration defended his right to talk because they support the doctrine of free speech for all. This creates an argument on both sides of the scale of ethics. Some protesters argue that the Yiannopoulos event wasnt a matter of free speech, because he espouses hate speech, which creates the argument that the decision to hold the event was unethical in the first place (Lah, Park). Yiannopoulous hate speech is the very type of speech that is the exact opposite of the doctrines of universities that supports diversity and changing ideas. However, since he is a citizen underneath the rule of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, he is entitled to the same rights of free speech that any other person would be. On the opposite end of the doctrine, Berkeley claims that it held the event to support its policy of free speech and openness to ide as, even if they are controversial. So in the end, the colleges decision to host the event adhered to their own ethical standards, as they support new ideas and free speech. Even though the university made the decision to host the event knowing there would be controversy, another ethical dilemma regarding the property damage requires addressing. With over $100,000 in damage, writing off the expenses is not simple project for Berkeley. From an ethical standpoint, it should be the responsibility of the protestors, or more fittingly known as rioters, to pay for the damages. However, since the university exercised their right to host this speaker, they should be responsible for the damages caused by the rioting from an accountability standpoint. The university should have previously assessed the risks of hosting the event, and therefore should be accountable for any damages that can occur as a result. It is no different from a driver assessing the risks of operating their vehicles. Even though it may not be the right path from an ethical standpoint, the responsibility bore for hosting the risk makes them accountable. Milo Yiannopoulos is a very risky and polarizing public figure, symbolic of many of the problems that relentlessly plague American society. With his most recent plans for a speech at UC Berkeley spawning violent protests, a new generation of free speech and ethicality arguments have been spawned in todays turbulent society. These arguments will most likely never end unless everyones views on ethicality line upa view hopefully all will be able to live with someday.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Review of film Amadeus Essay -- Movie Film Composer Mozart Music Essay

Review of film 'Amadeus' Amadeus is a movie based on the career and the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Viennese during the 18th century. Throughout the film Antonio Salieri tells his story of his growing hatred for Mozart that eventually led to his ?murder?. Through out the rest of the movie you can see where Salieri is getting even more jealous of Mozart. Although Salieri was inspired to become Gods instrument the music of that time ?classical era? did not revolve around the church or God unlike the Medieval and Baroque periods. But a good thing for Salieri was that most operas still did involve God. Through out Salieri's childhood his father had forbid him to become a composer because in so many words it was a waste of time for him. Normally a father dying would be something bad but being the man Salieri would turn out to be it is understandable that he would take it as gaining his freedom. He would become Gods instrument because he vowed to heath the word of God in his music. He eventually worked his way to be the court composer for Emperor Joseph II. The real jealousy came to him when his dreams were put on hold because Emperor Joseph II asked specifically for Mozart to compose a national opera for Viennese. Salieri found that young Mozart was in fact a prodigy at a concert thrown by Mozart?s patron, the Archbishop of Salzburg. To find that Mozart was in fact a prodigy disappointed Salieri quit obviously. It was in his mind that God had chosen Mozart to ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Police Monitoring Of Social Networking Activities

My opinion about social network, is that it is a place where you can chat and have fun whit your friends. It has begun to be a place where people compete with each other to radiate their perfect life. People put picture, video etc. up on Facebook, in the hope for â€Å"likes† and lovely comments. I think it is okay when people are writing and boosting pictures about themselves. When people begun to exhibit other by posting pictures and video of them, is grotesque because they just do it because of get success.In my opinion, people should not think about posting pictures or videos of people they don’t know. If people think that their videos or pictures are for the benefit of police then send them a mail rather than share it with the whole world. It is the police job to catch the criminals; not the young’s. To my mind is it extremely disrespectful to exhibit the rough; they have it difficult enough already. The rough have often not learnt about the right and wrong things in their life, they just want to be seen.Some people think they are cool, when they post picture of their crime at the social media, but in the end they are shoot oneself in the foot. The police is upgraded and they are watch over the social media. Some people think that it is unpleasant to know that the police are watch oneself. As I see it, it’s a good idea because it helps the police to catch the criminals. It is mostly the rough how don’t like this electronic surveillance because they are scared to be arrested. In my opinion it is okay that they police use electronic surveillance, if it helps them to minimize the number of criminal activities.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Racism Alive in America Essay

Racism is said to be complex and hard to characterize however it is obvious that it is alive and still going on. Racism was said to have ended in the early 1960’s when equity for all was the statement. Are we all equal here in America? What happened to â€Å"We the People of the United States†? However even now in 2012 racism is alive and going strong. Most people say let’s not make it about race yet in America everyone is not treated equally. There are so many injustices in America for minorities from racial profiling, to the housing equality, even to the President now that we have and African America president. Just since January of this year there have been several injustices around the world not just with African Americans but to all minorities. Minorities are African American, Hispanics, Indians, and Arabs. Racial Profiling Racial Profiling, although it is illegal, is a form of discrimination in which a person’s race or cultural background is cause for them to be considered a suspect. Right now there is a case of injustice in Sanford Florida. On February 26, 2012 a seventeen year old young man by the name of Trayvon Martin was gun down because he was in a rich area and was wearing a hoodie. His life was taken because he was â€Å"WWB† walking while black. He was racially profiled because the neighbor he was walking in was and upscale area. Martin was visiting his father in Sanford when he was shot to death by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. The unarmed teen was returning from a local 7-Eleven carrying only Skittles and an iced tea at the time of the shooting. I can’t believe that in more than five decades we are still not treating everyone equally. There are other forms of racial profiling such as â€Å"DWB† driving while black. This means that African Americans are targeted and stopped by law enforcement more often because of their race and not for traffic violations. After watching an ABC special on DWB and getting the information that profiling is still going on even after the law is to be in effect. Studies show that African Americans are more likely to be stopped and search because of being targeted by law enforcement. Just in the state of Maryland on I-95 72% of the drivers that have been stopped or pulled over were African Americans. Thanks to all the Civil Rights attorneys for educating the African American community with the knowledge of their rights. If you feel you are stopped due to racial profiling be aware you are not required give permission to search your car politely say no. Do not argue or provoke the police if they try to intimidate you. Make note of location, time of day, officer’s name, badge number, squad car and file complaint if you feel you was mistreated. (http://www. ethnicmajority. com/racial_profiling. htm). In 1995 a State Trooper filed a law suit against his department because he refused to make illegal stops of Blacks and Hispanics in order to meet his quotas for arrests. The head of New Jersey state police Carl Williams, is quoted in saying â€Å"that cocaine and marijuana traffickers were most likely to be either black or Hispanic† to the Newark Star- Ledger. An invitation to police scrutiny is being a black driver. (http://www. counterpunch. org/1999/06/15/driving-while-black/) Another type of profiling is called â€Å"FWA† flying while Arab. Since September 11th there have be racial profiling in the airports as well. Some believe racial profiling justified, some even say they are ashamed but still do it. Former President Clinton is Quoted in saying â€Å"racial profiling is morally indefensible†. Kennedy also stated â€Å"†Racial profiling poisons the water. It’s one of the things that makes racial minorities distrust the police and that makes their work more difficult†. Let’s stop judging a book by its cover. Racial Housing Discrimination In 1968 Congress enacted the fair housing Act which stated that all Americans no matter what race, religion not sexual origination everyone has an equal right to own a home. In 2005 the housing market fail due to mortgage fraud and to buying more than one can afford. Studies suggest that the gains for minority groups owning or purchasing a house, increase from 1995 to 2004, were disproportionately tied to relaxed lending standards and subprime loans. In 2008 the homeownership for African Americans declined by 43. 5 percent. Unlike John McKinley, most minorities are not able to understand what they are signing. Mr. McKinley , an African American , after reviewing the loan that was drawn up for him and was told that it was a 30 year fix discovered that it was a 10 year fix rate that would increase his interest so he declined the agreement. In those few years of increase minority homeownership, the African American and Hispanic people who only wanting to live the American dream of owning their own home lives began to crumble. (http://www. usatoday. com/money/economy/housing/2007-04-25-subprime-minorities-usat_N. tm) What is a subprime loan? â€Å"Well a subprime loan is a type of loan that is offered at a rate above prime to individuals who do not qualify for prime rate loans. Quite often, subprime borrowers are often turned away from traditional lenders because of their low credit ratings or other factors that suggest that they have a reasonable chance of defaulting on the debt repayment†. (http://www. investopedia. com/terms/s/subprimeloan. asp#ixzz1qXGXjGzP). According to Pew Hispanic Center African Americans and native Latinos has increased in the economic downturn then those of Whites. Studies show that Hispanics and African Americans are twice as likely to have subprime loans as whites even if they are in the same income bracket. Compared to the 17 percent of Whites in 2006 that took subprime loans minorities were 52 percent. This information shows how little or no down payment for minorities with low credit scores lead to the high rate of foreclosures in the U. S. In 2007 compared to the 12 percent of whites rejected Latinos and African Americans were 26 percent and 30 percent. (http://www. nytimes. com/2009/05/13/us/13homeowner. html? r=1) â€Å"The decision by some banks to not follow the FHA’s policy is cutting qualified borrowers off from accessing credit, and in doing so, causing harm to their ability to prosper, build wealth and for our economy to grow,† NCRC president and chief executive John Taylor said in a statement. How are minorities able to avoid being fooled into subprime loans? President Obama Who is President Obama? Where did he come from? What did he do to the American people to make them disrespect him in so many ways? What elf-respecting person would heckle the President of the United States? He is the commander and chief the man elected to office in 2008 right. Since President Obama has been in off the Republican Party has been more focused on getting him out of office instead of helping and rebuilding the economy. Sadly the within and outside of the GOP most of the racist and disrespectful messaging are embraced. Reaching the history of the last 43 presidents none of them have gone through such scrutiny as President Obama. The vicious attacks on the race of this president and his wife have been called offensive and inappropriate. The Republican Party committee member that it was funny enough to spread a raciest email, depicting a family portrait of apes, with President Obama’s face in the place of the infant ape of the family. The photo has a caption at the bottom that reads, â€Å"Now you know why no birth certificate. † The racism is so horrible to the fact that two pastors in 2009 came forward stating that they pray Obama would die. Pastor Anderson of Phoenix Arizona ask his congregation to join him in a prayer to end President Obamas life. This pastor is also quoted in saying â€Å"I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today,† he said. â€Å"I’m gonna pray that he dies and goes to hell when I go to bed tonight. That’s what I’m gonna pray. † Why would any God fearing man of God wish death to another human being? The term â€Å"tar baby† has long been used as a derogatory term to reference black people, taken from the stories of an old black male character named Uncle Remus. We are in the year 2012 and still dealing with racism. We all have the same type of organs, bones, and blood. Why does it matter that our skin is a darker shade? Does the color of our skin really make us inferior? I have never seen any other Presidents in the past that has been so disrespected in the history of Presidency. With groups like the Tea Party, making statements like, â€Å"We want our country back! ,† members of the black community have begun to question whether these expressions are code words for wanting America to return to a land that promoted racial segregation and black oppression.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tourism Industry in Sabah

Tourism Industry in Sabah Free Online Research Papers 1.0 Tourism Industry in Sabah The tourism industry, especially in Sabah, has been booming despite the natural disaster tsunami and bird flu. Tourists have been flocking to Sabah due to its unique eco-related places that had generated a lot of interests among foreign visitors. Kota klias is one of the many interesting sites in Sabah and in recent years the area has been gaining popularity among foreign tourists due to the presence of the unique and proboscis monkey. 2.0 THE TOURISM INDUSTRY The world tourism industry reached an all-time record of 760 million international tourist arrivals in 2004. The figure represented an increase of 10 percent in comparison with the previous year, the best results in two decades, according to a report released by World Tourism Organisation. The Organisation said year 2005 was even better, with Asia benefiting not seen before. 2.1 Malaysia Tourist Arrivals and Receipts to Malaysia: Year Arrivals Tourism Receipts (RM) 2000 10.22 million 17,335.4 million 2001 12.78 million 24,221.5 million 2002 13.29 million 25,781.1 million 2003 10.58 million 21,291.1 million 2004 15.70 million 29.651.4 million 2005 (10 months) 13.58 million Not Available Malaysia recorded a total of 13,581,502 tourist arrivals from January to October 2005 compared to 13,071,098 for the same period in 2004, indicating an increase of 3.9%. For the month of October 2005, there were 1,367,735 tourist arrivals compared to 1,359,658 for the same month in 2004, showing a slight growth of 0.6%. Malaysia has been recording a steady average of some 1.3 million foreign visitors per month for the first ten months The top ten tourist generating markets until October 2005 were Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Japan, China, Australia, United Kingdom, India and Taiwan. The country is expected to receive even higher tourist arrivals in 2007, which coincide with the Visit Malaysia Year. 3.0 Sabah Tourists Arrivals to Sabah: Year Malaysian Internationals Total 2000 365,537 408,938 774,475 2001 512,514 406,009 918,523 2002 579,092 528,264 1,107,356 2003 681,742 569,712 1,251,454 2004 792,308 980,963 1,773,271 2005(preliminary) 1,067,677 761,094 1,828,771 As for Sabah, 2005 was unquestionably a better year than 2004. Sabah welcomed a record high of more than 1.8 million arrivals in 2005, posting a 3 percent increase over 2004 and 46 percent increase over 2003. This translates into a tourism receipt of over RM 2 billion for Sabah. Although the country has faced extraordinary challenges due to circumstances beyond control such as the tsunami natural disaster and spread of bird flu, the number of tourist arrivals to the State had however increased. According to the State’s Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment recently, the number of tourist arrivals had increased by 2.7 percent, from 1.773 million in 2004 to 1.821 million in 2005. In this respect, the Ministry said the target of 2.7 million arrivals in 2007 is not impossible due to further support from the Visit Malaysia Year 2007 campaign. The state may see tourist arrivals to further increase with a possible target of 4 million arrivals by 2010. This will greatly benefit tourism industry, where the number of visitors will continue to increase. The State of Sabah has been receiving increasing number of tourist arrivals due primarily to its wide varieties of tourism attractions which broadly included as exciting site for adventures, diverse cultures, diving haven, white sandy island beaches, tasty local delicacies, heritage sites and most importantly, availability of unique wildlife and nature. These diverse tourist attractions have made Sabah an increasingly popular destination for tourists to visit Sabah. There are indications that the existing hotel rooms are grossly inadequate to meet the strong demand as a result from tourists’ arrivals. 4.0 KOTA KLIAS Kota Klias is located about 150 km from Kota Kinabalu, a Mangrove Forest Reserve rich with the elusive Proboscis monkey, Silver Leaf monkey and myriad species of birds that inhabit this unique riverine environment. 4.1 Fireflies On a moonless night, the area will be swarm by the flickering lights of fireflies against the night sky. Congregation of fireflies can be seen almost all along the bank of the Klias River. Some trees may have more than a thousand individuals of adult fireflies. Apart from Kota Klias, the Selangor river (Peninsular Malaysia) is one of the more renown areas for observing the magical display of fireflies. 4.2 Proboscis Monkey: It is the Proboscis monkey that has single-handedly turns the Kota Klias into an important tourist’s attraction along the river. Little is known about this primate unlike its more famous cousin‚ the Orang Utan‚ which has been studied‚ both in the wild and captivity. The Proboscis will usually die soon after capture literally starving themselves to death even in large enclosures‚ no matter how lush or lavish their living area is. This is why these monkeys cannot be seen in zoos and receives much less attention‚ even among scientists and researchers‚ compared to other primates. They are best left to themselves in the mangrove and peat swamp forests of Sabah‚ Sarawak‚ Kalimantan and several smaller surrounding islands where they constitutes a valuable part of Borneo’s natural heritage together with its more famous cousin‚ the Orang Utan. As the uniqueness of this Proboscis monkey gains popularity and it is only available in Borneo, especially in the Kota Klias, the number of visitors is expected to increase. 5.0 CURRENT ACTIVITIES AT KLIAS Presently, there are two jetties established by tour operators near the Kota Klias from where they provide boat services to tourists to see these animals. The Lodge is established about a crow fly away from the bridge, it also provides accommodation and boat services to their guests. In a brief survey to the area, there were about 100 tourists loaded in eight different boats in one particular day from the same operators. There were other boats with about 100 tourists from another operator. Between the two operators, they have about 30 boats; each boat can take maximum 30 passengers. It was known at peak season, all the boats were fully used. Quite often, the operators have to outsource additional boats from the villagers staying along the Klias river to ferry tourists for a boat cruise. It was observed that during peak tourist season, the existing operators could not cope with surge in demand for river cruise along Kota Klias and I foresee with the continued increase in tourist arrivals to Sabah, such facilities are glaringly inadequate to accommodate future demand. Most tourists enjoyed the boat cruise and the riverine scenery and the main objective; watching the Proboscis monkey is a justification to conduct such cruise. The river cruise will be more interesting if the tourists are given prior information or pre-tour briefing on what to expect and what type of wildlife other than the monkey, to watch during the cruise. Besides in Bahasa Malaysia and English, the information shall be provided in other foreign languages such as Japanese, Korean and Mandarin, depending on the nationality of the tourists. A professional naturalist will provide a briefing about the natural history of the Kota Klias and the wildlife in the area, before leaving the jetty. Narrative explanation will also be provided on site if the tourists’ requests further information. 6.0 Eco-Education Tourism Services In order to provide a more professional tour services to tourists, Nature Interpreter (naturalists) may be engaged to provide briefing and narrative explanation to the tourists about the natural history of the Kota Klias habitat and the wildlife seen from the boat. This will be more meaningful to the tourists and value for their money. ******************** THE END*********************** Research Papers on Tourism Industry in SabahDefinition of Export QuotasAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesTwilight of the UAWThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UsePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Project Managment Office SystemArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Monday, October 21, 2019

The War on Terrorism

The War on Terrorism Introduction This research paper is critical analysis of war on terror. The paper mainly reflects on some of the pros and cons of war on terrorism and its effect on humanity and human rights. In an analysis of the players involved in the war, the paper takes a side through analysis of areas of disagreements.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The War on Terrorism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More War on terrorism is a government plan for the reason of protecting it citizens as well as ensuring safety of innocent citizens of other countries. However, recent wars against terrorists are emerging because of negative administrative assertions such as affirmations by government administration. The assertions catalyze the emergence of confrontation for instance the declaring to engage war as a peacekeeping mission. Another example of such affirmations include the indications that some countries are in violation of po licies for instance, war in Iraq stated because Iraq was in violation of some U.N. Security Councils’ Resolutions, mainly being in possession of weapons of mass destruction. In most instances when dialogue seems not to workout, fight for peace is an issue that develops and catalyze war. Some governments especially from developed countries have resources capable of providing mysterious powers and are thus capable of engaging war to assure global protection. The unsuccessful endeavours to promote dialogue for peaceful solutions succumb to war threats and eventually lead to action against terrorism. Governments react pro-actively and use most resources in its power to protect its citizens by fighting enemies such as terrorists. However, power of commands to declare war without solid reasons, proof and consultation is not morally justifiable. In most cases, war on possible terrorist threats causes negative effects on human lives by depriving those involved and the innocents withi n the territories the most essential needs and rights. Effects on Solders in War Many coalition soldiers involved on war against terrorism or possible nuclear attacks such as the U.S. war in Afghanistan and Iraq lost their lives in combat (Rai and Chomsky, p 141). According to Iraq coalition casualty count (p 1), more than 4,300 U.S. and 4,693 coalition solders died because of the Iraq war. One of the main reason why this research is against battle on terrorism and terms the government actions as unjustifiable is due to reason that there are huge effects on human rights. This is mainly attributable to poor planning. A good example is the deaths of the great compatriots due to haste of administrators to go to war after dialogue fails. This cause of action deprives many families their special affiliates, some of whom are responsible for basic provisions including love. Other than fatalities, many casualties who were competent family providers end up depending on others in different wa ys due to physical, mental and psychological injuries from the war.Advertising Looking for critical writing on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Such conditions increase pressure on health provisions due to lack of specialized facilities or medical provisions in most care centres especially among the involved developing countries. The effects not only affect the coalition governments in war, but also members of the attacked countries for instance, Iraq people recorded the greatest number of fatalities and casualties during the Iraq war (Keegan, p 31). Cost of War The second reason why this research takes a stand against the governments’ action to resolve issues through wars is due to the high dependence on large-scale humanitarian and reconstruction assistances after the war. Primarily, war involves a high compromise on human rights, which requires delivery of humanitarian support and prepositioning of crucial human needs (Sifry and Cerf, p 27). Humanitarian crisis during war elevates further. Various organizations and agencies are able to provide aid through the oil for food programme before the war, but war engagements halts the undertakings thus causing loss of innocent human life especially children in the war-torn areas. They succumb to poverty or malnutrition related deaths. People have right to basic needs such as food but war-torn areas causes massive suffering associable to lack of food especially among women and children. In line with Sifry and Cerf (p 27), war disrupts these non-governmental organizations plans for humanitarian assistance due to the uncertainty during and after the war. Poverty is one of the main effects associable to human crisis. Basic needs such as medicines, shelter, hygiene facilities and food therefore remain a concession during war. There are fears over shortage on humanitarian assistance even among the affected. Casualty reports confirm the f ears, as the numbers of reported victims are overwhelming (Iraq coalition casualty count, p 1). Effects War on Tourism on Education and Healthcare War often forces women and children to vacate their home and settle in displacement camps for safety. This remains a permanent scar to the society since children are not able to attend schools. Regardless of some humanitarian assistance from neighbouring countries, there is often refusal to assist and allow refugees to enter and settle in their countries. During the Iraq war, there were massive movement of people mainly from Baghdad and other major cities before and after the war began but towards the end of the war, the movement started reducing due to restrictions (Chancellor Schroeder, p 3).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The War on Terrorism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Governments in war torn area are responsible for the health facilities and educatio n programmes. War affects provision of the amenities for displacement and refugee camps. War causes poor or lack of governance; this means that the affected country’s administration is not able to cater for it human needs. Innocent children end up suffering from something they rarely understand and furthermore war causes psychological suffering of the naive minds of the children who experience firsthand combat. Effects on Humanity Wars on terror since time in history have caused massive impact on various crucial infrastructures, hindering transportation of basic needs and services. During such confrontation, unruly mobs and looters continue to make it difficult for the movement of humanitarian aid. Some of the main challenges include distribution of water, installation of sewerage systems and food shortages. Delivery of health service has also been a major challenge for instance shortage of supplies, staff and in some cases attacks on conveys or assisting organizations. Lack of resources and existence of compromised infrastructures therefore hinders provision of health services. In most of the affected areas, reports indicate that peacekeeping armies end up providing health services to civilians (Chancellor Schroeder, p 3). Compromised security Compromise on security is also a big challenge during and after the wars. Some of the humanitarian organizations put up bases in war zones areas to facilitate relief operations, but they are worried of security since protection by the involved parties may compromise the security of its staff. The insecurity is a total pervade to the human working environments. This causes low working morale, difficulties of finding trained or retrained workers and disrupted training or supervision. Compromised security also affects the reconstruction and relief activities especially during or after the war for instance access to the war-torn areas, compromised cost of service delivery due to lowered security of relief personnel a nd weak coordination and communication among relief agents. Compromised human rights Lastly, denial of various human rights has been evident in majority of the countries or areas involved in wars. First, people in the affected zones have problems of accessing health services due to insecurity and financial segregation. Geographical differences also prohibit access. The status compromises health care activities and as evident in war-hit areas, there is shift of care from the normal form of preventive to specialized curative form of care. This is a compromise on life since most of the available systems lack strong specialist to undertake curative care. War therefore adversely affects and compromises human health and life. There is reduction of the rural or community-based care, disrupted health surveillance and compromised public health programmes.Advertising Looking for critical writing on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Poor or destruction of infrastructure compromises on humanity for instance destruction of health resources like clinics, referral systems, equipments and vehicles. Additionally, war affects the communication logistics. There is lack of food, drugs and equipments maintenance procedures. Conclusively, some of the adversely yet essential human health-sustenance infrastructures include sanitation, food security, water and power. Conclusion Restoration of peace and order appears to be a major priority before and after war. This is important especially when humanitarian needs are in consideration. Ability to overcome the main barriers to restoration of understanding, growth and provision of human needs mainly depend on infrastructure. Generally, governments fail to understand that there is need to avoid war at all costs due to these effects. War compromises various aspects that support humanity and human needs. It equally compromises a wide range of humanitarian rights. Chancellor Schroe der. Remarks on anti-war Stance as Saddam Crumbles. Mexico City: Agence France-Presse. 2003. Print Iraq coalition casualty count. Operation Iraqi freedom. 2009. Web. Keegan, John. The Iraq War: UK: Vintage Series publishers. 2005. Print Rai, Milan. Chomsky, Noam. War plan Iraq: ten reasons against war on Iraq. New York, NY: Verso Publishers. 2002. Print. Sifry, Micah. Cerf, Christopher. Iraq War Reader: History, Documents. New York, NY: OpinionsSimon Schuster publishers. 2007. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Leyes que afectan a indocumentados en estado de Utah

Leyes que afectan a indocumentados en estado de Utah Las leyes migratorias que afectan a indocumentados en Utah son importantes porque aplican  a 1 de cada 20 trabajadores. Y es que en este viven ms de 100,000 migrantes en situacià ³n irregular. Su presencia es muy visible en sectores como la agricultura, donde son 1 de cada 5 trabajadores, en el construccià ³n, donde son 1 de cada 7 y en el sector de los servicios donde son 1 de cada 9.   Para estos migrantes es muy  importante conocer sus derechos en el estado de Utah y distinguir entre las leyes que aplican y aquà ©llas que no estn en vigor. 1. Situacià ³n actual de la dura ley HB495 La ley HB497 no aplica por decisià ³n de una Corte. Esta normativa del aà ±o 2011 que requerà ­a que la policà ­a comprobase el estatus migratorio de cualquier persona arrestada por un delito (felony) o por una falta de categorà ­a A, B o C. Asimismo tambià ©n exigà ­a que se verificase el estatus de cualquier persona que se considerase que podà ­a estar ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos.   Sin embargo sà ­ que es de aplicacià ³n el programa Comunidades Seguras, que ha sido reestablecido por orden ejecutiva del presidente Donald Trump. Si bien algunas ciudades en todo Estados Unidos han desafiado esa normativa convirtià ©ndose en lo que se conoce como ciudades santuario, en Utah no hay ninguna en la actualidad con esa calificacià ³n. En otras palabras, todas las ciudades en ese estado cumplen con Comunidades Seguras. 2. Cà ³mo aplica E-verify en Utah E-verify  es un programa para verificar que los trabajadores cumplen los requisitos migratorios para ser empleados. En Utah es  obligatorio su utilizacià ³n para: empleados pà ºblicosempresas privadas  que contratan con los organismos pà ºblicos y tambià ©n para las subcontratistasY todas las empresas privadas con ms de 15 empleados   3.  Programa huà ©sped Ley HB116 para migrantes indocumentados   En el aà ±o 2011 Utah aprobà ³ la Ley HB116 que creaba un programa de trabajador huà ©sped para migrantes indocumentados para permitirles trabajar legalmente dentro del estado, si se cumplà ­an una serie de condiciones: Comenzarà ­a  a aplicarse a partir de 2013, despuà ©s se retrasà ³ su inicio a 2017, pero lo cierto es que nunca ha entrado en vigor ni se cree que llegue a aplicarse.  Se beneficiarà ­an  los indocumentados que pudieran probar que residen y trabajan en Utah en el sector agrà ­cola y tambià ©n sus familiares inmediatos: cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os.Se establecà ­a  el pago de una multa de hasta $2,500 por persona para optar al programaSe tendrà ­an menos derechos laborales que los disfrutados por ciudadanos americanos y residentes permanentes legales.Para favorecerse de esta medida, era  requisito imprescindible no tener rà ©cord criminalSe concederà ­an permisos de trabajo por un periodo de dos aà ±os.Crearà ­a un sistema paralelo para recaudar impuestos Pero esta ley nunca entrà ³ en vigor porque necesitaba un permiso del gobierno federal que jams fue concedido. Es muy probable que la propia asamblea legislativa de Utah que en 2011 aprobà ³ la ley vote para derogarla. Lo que sà ­ parece claro es que jams entrar en vigor. Tampoco han tenido aplicacià ³n las leyes HB466 que preveà ­a un acuerdo con el estado mexicano de Nuevo Leà ³n para emitir visas federales de trabajo ni la ley HB469 que permitirà ­a que ciudadanos americanos en el estado de Utah patrocinasen a personas extranjeras sin seguir los procedimientos establecidos en las leyes federales de inmigracià ³n. 5. Licencia de manejar para indocumentados En la actualidad, Utah es uno de los  estados de la Unià ³n Americana que emite licencias de manejar a indocumentados. En este estado se conoce como Driving Privilege Card, pero no puede ser utilizada como I.D. con foto para otros fines. 6. Beneficios para estudiantes universitarios indocumentados   Utah permite a los estudiantes indocumentados acceder a las universidades pà ºblicas de ese estado pagando  matrà ­cula in-state si cumplen una serie de requisitos, entre los que destacan: Haber estudiado por al menos 3 aà ±os en una high school de UtahHaberse graduado de High School o un equivalente, como por ejemplo el GEDHaber llenado una aplicacià ³n para regularizar la situacià ³n migratoria o estar dispuesto a hacerlo tan pronto como se califique para ello.Llenar el formulario HB144 Tuition Waiver Request Adems, en aplicacià ³n de la ley SB253, los estudiantes universitarios indocumentados pueden beneficiarse de becas privadas que son administradas por las universidades pà ºblicas. 7. Beneficios pà ºblicos Los migrantes indocumentados no pueden recibir beneficios pà ºblicos, excepto aquellos que se brindan en situacià ³n extrema, como por ejemplo asistencia mà ©dica en casos de riesgo para la vida o ayuda nutricional a mujeres embarazadas o infantes por aplicacià ³n del programa WIC. 8. Derechos de los migrantes indocumentados Se calcula que en los Estados Unidos pueden residir en la actualidad entre 10 y 11 millones de migrantes en situacià ³n irregular. A pesar de ello, tienen una serie de derechos como por ejemplo:   No permitir a la policà ­a o a la migra la entrada en sus viviendas, a menos que muestren una orden judicial (warrant).No incriminarse y por lo tanto se tiene derecho a no hablar y a no mostrar documentos. En este punto es fundamental no mostrar jams documentos firmar ningà ºn documento sin consultar previamente con un abogado. Es importante no firmar una salida voluntaria sin entender bien en quà © consiste y cules son las consecuencias. Para los migrantes indocumentados interesados en conocer ms a fondo sus derechos se recomienda que lean detenidamentela lista preparada en espaà ±ol por el Immigration Legal Resource Center. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Democracy and capitalism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Democracy and capitalism - Research Paper Example More importantly, it was argued, this entrepreneurial class would enforce democratic structures in the localities in which they operated. In other words, â€Å"by producing economic wealth and an entrepreneurial class, capitalism inevitably produces democracy. And since democracies don't start wars or have expansionist proclivities--forget, for the moment, Theodore Roosevelt and imperialist Britain--capitalist-democratic development contributes to security and to world peace.† (Foulkes, 2006, p.22) There is evidence from recent political history to support this benign linkage of capitalism and democracy. For example, â€Å"Entrepreneurial capitalism became more dominant in the America of Ronald Reagan than it had been before, and job growth and record-breaking prosperity followed. In Britain, Margaret Thatcher reversed almost four decades of socialism and changed her country from the sick man of Europe into one positioned for long-term, non-inflationary growth. Meanwhile, the Soviet economy was shown to be like the Wizard of Oz--an imposing facade, but impotent and powerless at its core. Put these events together and you have an unassailable proof that capitalism produces a level of economic welfare that a planned economy simply cannot emulate.† (Stelzer, 1994, p.32) And, when we scan the performance of capitalist regimes in other parts of the world, the links between capitalism, prosperity and democracy becomes incontestable. After all, in recent times, capitalism in countries such as Chile, Taiwan and South Korea have resulted in both economic progress as well as democracy establishment. In the newly remodeled Russian political system too, we see the formation of glasnost (democratization) and perestroika (economic restructuring) marching hand in hand. (Friedman, 2007, p.46) Nothing exemplifies the successes of capitalism than the recent developments in India and China. By participating in financial globalization, countries with abundance of che ap labour such as India and China are primed to assume leadership position in another 10-15 years. While Mao Zedong was the father of the Communist China, his successor Deng Xiaoping must be credited for the nation’s progress toward prosperity. It was under his leadership that the party ratified and implemented the ‘Four Modernizations’ program that would propel China onto the global stage, where it is fast approaching leadership position. This ambitious program of sweeping economic reforms opened China to the outside world in more than strictly economic sense. In the case of India, it’s huge pool of skilled workers, who have the added advantage of proficiency in English language, have been the engine of economic growth. The re-election of Manmohan Singh as the Prime Minister is also a positive development from an economic perspective, for it was he who initiated India as a participant in globalization in 1991. China, on the other hand, started participati ng in the process of globalization much before India did. As a result, its economy is more than twice that of India and is catching up fast with that of the United States and Japan. Some of the South American countries such as Venezuela and Russia (rich in oil resources) and Brazil (rich in natural resources) also pose a threat to American domination of global economy. In fact, American media believes that the threat

Friday, October 18, 2019

Reality TV Shows and the UK Audience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reality TV Shows and the UK Audience - Essay Example Reality TV, for the most part replaced the plethora of soap operas which previously entertained the past generation. Recognizing that audiences are bored and tired of watching stories with the same theme, directors and producers tried to stimulate viewership through the creation of programs that ordinary people can relate to. The shift to reality TV mirrors the changes in the preferred entertainment of viewers. They want something which is exciting, unscripted, and totally unpredictable. They would want to watch how a real person can reach his dreams through his talents. They are more entertained in watching how these things actually happen in real life and not on actors and actresses only. The shift towards a new type of entertainment also implies the change in the values and attitude of the society. The prevalence of reality can be often linked to moral degradation as the audience is often entertained by the mistakes and failures of the people inside the show. As the programs often feature how the participants can improve or should improve, they are humiliated in front of the camera and the millions who watch them. The rise in reality TV also signals the increasing acceptability of deviant behav

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 108

Discussion - Assignment Example all, the characters and the cinematography of the movie never showed the actual scenarios on who are the antagonist and the protagonist (Nelson & Aragon, 2011). The central discussion that is evident in the film is the theme of the hubris outbreak. The cause of this argument resulted from excessive bride or ignorance from the human being. In the clip, more point of the discussion emerges when a woman decided not eat because her boyfriend went missing in action for more than five days. The other family members were telling her that he might have died because is attacked by the zombies (Nelson & Aragon, 2011). The importance of this theme is in a way that it made the scientists understand that development is not the effort to discover the primary cause of a disease after it has affected many citizens. It is significant for the scientist to have in mind that the infection have been brought by the misguided efforts that they want to control the nature (Nelson & Aragon,

Research Paper - Flight Nursing in Community Setting

- Flight Nursing in Community Setting - Research Paper Example The essence of our lives lies with how effectively we play our part in the community; and the complete satisfaction of making life admirable can be attained through the profession of flight nurse. A flight nurse is the one, skilled to work in critical care settings and avail assistance to the community in emergencies. Flight nurse must be well experienced and expertised in all aspects of healthcare. Flight nurses, always well prepared for life saving activities makes their presence confirmed in all critical situations such as accidents, earthquakes etc. They aid in the essential intensive care of the seriously wounded or sick patients when being shifted to a healthcare facility through plane or helicopter. In addition to serving the people injured by disasters, they also go to remote areas to support people during the airlifting to provide healthcare facilities. The presence of flight nurse as a member among the passengers makes the journey safe and sound for the entire crew of the f light (Nursing Jobs and degrees-flight nurse, n.d.). The line of work of a flight nurse is highly demanding; and in addition to having the mentality of serving the community, a flight nurse must be all set to function in the highly challenging situations which could be even life threatening.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

APPLY THE LEARNING CURVE THEORY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

APPLY THE LEARNING CURVE THEORY - Research Paper Example The curve helps an organization to tune it finely from all directions. If an organization has the knowledge of handling the entire process, it can make informed decisions. The simulation describes the opening of a Pizza store by Mario in Palm Springs which was situated I a mall where there was potentiality to succeed and make profits as there was traffic of customers. Mario although faced many challenges of customer dissatisfaction. The dissatisfaction moved to an extent that most customers left the store without purchasing due to waiting for a very long time. What Mario should therefore aim is the retention of the old customers and getting more new consumers of his product. For the goals to be achieved there are changes or alternatives that should be employed by Mario. Mario is required to reduce the time customers use in waiting. The time should be cut down from nine minutes. Mario also have to balance their demand of service and provide appropriate service to the clients. If this can be rectified Mario’s business would be profitable. As Mario has a small business the learning curve can be very profitable and helpful to him. The process they use can adapt concepts of the learning curve in very many ways. The learning curve has been removed from the chronological observation that people who do recurring roles exhibit a development in task performance in many times. The empirical studies of this occurrence give rise to three conclusions based on current practice and theory. The period required to carry out a role diminishes with the repeat of the task. The quantity of development has adequate consistency to let its function as a tool of prediction (Hugh J. R et al, 2012) In the simulation a process data of performance was compiled. There was the choice to change cooks, staff, 4 person and 2 person tables to have to give the maximum service without interfering with the profits. The table above shows how the profit goes up every time

Persuasive Email Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Persuasive Email - Essay Example Currently, they are working with one on one programs’ to assist adults in training and are providing basic courses for both children and adults that want to learn how to read. The implementation of the several initiatives by the Read for Life network has grown in demand so much that it now doesn’t have enough tutors for those that are illiterate in the community. As you may know, El Paso, Texas has the highest illiteracy rate in the nation, and three other Texas cities are in the top 10 with the highest illiteracy rate. You may also know that the literacy centers in the area are not available to those who have strenuous jobs, one parent families, odd working hours or to those who are in need financially1. By joining this venture, you will be giving back in one of the most needed areas of the community, while assisting a non – profit organization that is growing in demand. If you are interested in volunteering for Read for Life, please speak with me or contact Read for Life through the library, where they hold tutoring classes daily. I am willing to give volunteers 2 hours of paid time from work to volunteer and assist two adults per week. You will be able to take this time from work to help illiterate adults with one on one interaction while assisting a continuous need in the community. If you are interested in volunteering during hours that are outside of work, you can also speak with me about finding a representative for Read for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

APPLY THE LEARNING CURVE THEORY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

APPLY THE LEARNING CURVE THEORY - Research Paper Example The curve helps an organization to tune it finely from all directions. If an organization has the knowledge of handling the entire process, it can make informed decisions. The simulation describes the opening of a Pizza store by Mario in Palm Springs which was situated I a mall where there was potentiality to succeed and make profits as there was traffic of customers. Mario although faced many challenges of customer dissatisfaction. The dissatisfaction moved to an extent that most customers left the store without purchasing due to waiting for a very long time. What Mario should therefore aim is the retention of the old customers and getting more new consumers of his product. For the goals to be achieved there are changes or alternatives that should be employed by Mario. Mario is required to reduce the time customers use in waiting. The time should be cut down from nine minutes. Mario also have to balance their demand of service and provide appropriate service to the clients. If this can be rectified Mario’s business would be profitable. As Mario has a small business the learning curve can be very profitable and helpful to him. The process they use can adapt concepts of the learning curve in very many ways. The learning curve has been removed from the chronological observation that people who do recurring roles exhibit a development in task performance in many times. The empirical studies of this occurrence give rise to three conclusions based on current practice and theory. The period required to carry out a role diminishes with the repeat of the task. The quantity of development has adequate consistency to let its function as a tool of prediction (Hugh J. R et al, 2012) In the simulation a process data of performance was compiled. There was the choice to change cooks, staff, 4 person and 2 person tables to have to give the maximum service without interfering with the profits. The table above shows how the profit goes up every time

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Researching the adoption of technology-based self-service within an Dissertation

Researching the adoption of technology-based self-service within an organizational strategic orientation context as a form of su - Dissertation Example In all a total of 20 participants provided their knowledge, experience, and perspective in gaining more of an insight into the research question. The strategy for the data is in the focused area of identifying the characterized elements that either improve or restrain the organization to meeting their designed M-S type approach. The findings revealed in each questionnaire an understanding to that the marketplace share is only increased with a purposeful mission of implemented strategy. The overall counterpart is the bridging of resources for formulating a well-through planning initiative that presents innovative measures for the marketplace (Haritz-Menne, 2004). The Defined Miles and Snow Strategic Typology represent the key area of focus to highlighting the main areas of questionnaire for the participants. Therefore, the 7 main questions within the area of Defined Miles and Snow Strategic Typology create a lasting impression of defining either SCA is the preferred method. The true m anagement approach for are structured within the four sub-categories of accountability: a. Prospector b. Reactors c. Defenders d. Analyzers The survey questionnaire is the following of a comparative notion that relays on a quantitative and qualitative assessment of reliability of answering the research question: 1. ... 4. In comparison to our competitors, the increases or losses in demand which we have experienced are due most probably to practices indicated. 5. One of the most important goals in my company, in comparison to our competitors, is our dedication and commitment to keeping costs within desired levels. 6. In contrast to our competitors, the competencies (skills) which our managerial position. 7. The one thing that protects our organization from our competitors is that we formulate a method to structure the strategy approach. 8. More so than many of our competitors, our management staff tends to concentrate on certain protocols for increasing financial opportunities The analysis of the data presented from the survey revealed in the 7th questionnaire the following assessment of accountability: 1. In comparison to our competitors, the products/services which we provide to our customers are bet characterized in the marketplace. 10 out of the 20 participants presented a more direct approach b y a Prospector indicating a measure that entails: products/services which are more innovated, continually changing and broader in nature throughout the organization and marketplace. 7 out of the 20 participants presented a more direct approach by Analyzers indicating a measure that entails: products/services which are fairly stable in certain units/departments and markets while innovation in other units/departments and markets. 3 out of the 20 participants presented a more direct approach by Defenders indicating a measure that entails: products/services which are well focused, relatively stable and consistently defined throughout the organization and marketplace. 2. In contrast to our competitors, our organizations have an image in the marketplace as a

Monday, October 14, 2019

Transhumanism: Societal Revolution

Transhumanism: Societal Revolution   Krishtina Amatya This report will consider the ways transhumanism will revolutionize society whether that be via cyborg integration, life extension, or the singularity, and how ethics dictates a lot of what happens in scientific fields of research. Technology such as prosthetic limbs, telomerase expression and CRISPR-Cas9 will be explored and discussed, as well as the morality behind the advancements of biotechnology and what it could mean in terms of classism. This research was supported by Dekkel Simmons and Andre Mostert, Centre for Innovation Management and Enterprise, University of East London. Society is constantly changing with the inventions of new technologies that impact the way humans interact with each other and communicate, as well as how they go about their daily lives. Transhumanist theory dictates that the only way for the human race to evolve and move on from our current societal state is by transforming the human condition so much so as to create an era of post-humans; beings whose basic vital capacities exceed those of present humans by so much that they can no longer be classified as humans by current standards. [DS1]This report is going to delve into future of transhumanism (H+) such as its effects on biotechnology, life extension, and the introduction of the singularity. This report is based off of only secondary data; methods of obtaining this data includes critiquing texts, piecing through events/incidents, using documents such as online journals and articles, and analysing official data in order to draw conclusions. This means that there is no need for a research budget as no primary data needs to be collected.[DS2] The first known use of the term Singularity in this context was by John von Neumann in 1958; when speaking with Stanislaw Ulam they made note of how the progress of technology was accelerating, constantly changing human life (Dvorsky, 2010). Now, nearly 60 years later, this is even more apparent and relevant in day-to-day life; the majority of people carry smartphones in their pockets all day, thinking it impossible to leave the house without them. However, the concept of the singularity itself is heavily disputed between technological luminaries and is considered controversial when it comes to its plausibility. Professor of Psychology at Harvard, Steven Pinker, does not believe the singularity will ever occur, stating that there is no reason to even believe such an event should take place (Pinker, 2008), whereas Vernor Vinge, Professor of Mathematics at San Diego State University, believes that the singularity will occur soon, before the year 2030, and that once it does, itll be the rise of humankind (Vinge, 1993). Whilst it is interesting to read discussions on others views on the singularity, it is important to approach it from an unbiased frame of reference; its practicality must be considered as well as the current advances that are being made in that area of study and the directions theyre going. Current evidence in favour of the singularity includes a woman, unable to use her arms and legs, who is able to control a prosthetic arm with just her mind via two chips being implanted directly onto the neurons in her brain (Stibel, 2015). This shows how if a woman who is unable to move herself can move another object, surely someday humans themselves will be able to merge with technology and AI in order to become post humans, triggering the start of what is currently known as the singularity. The process of developing the idea that humans will one day be able to merge with computers is already underway. Although the ability to implant chips into ones brain is a risky and arduous one, as it does involve intricate brain surgery, there are currently many brainwave sensors being developed that can be used outside of the skull; helmets that allow you to interact with and manipulate virtual reality in video games, sleep monitoring headbands, and caps that measure the alertness of a driver. These inventions could lead to things like implantable nanochips that would give humans access to centuries worth of data. At the moment, however, the human beings are perhaps slowly edging towards becoming cyborgs what with about 59,000 people having received some type of neurological prosthetics since 2002 such as eye glasses, cochlear implants, pace makers, heart valves, and artificial limbs (University of Adelaide, 2016). ­ Alongside the medical benefits of humans slowly turning into cyborgs comes the possible consequences of such technology. The divide between the rich and the poor could substantially increase as those with more money would easily enhance their personal attributes to their hearts desires as a more advanced form of plastic surgery whilst those without money continue to suffer from plague and hunger. Another consequence would be the inevitable use within the military in order to engineer super-soldiers with faster reflexes, better accuracy, and improved resistance to fatigue and hunger. Although this type of soldier seems ideal, theres nothing stopping these soldiers from turning on their creators who have, in turn, become their inferiors. (Mizrach, 2001) The main argument against cyborg technology is the potential risk towards human health and safety in regards to the actual merging of human and machine. For example, although there are high hopes when it comes to implanting nanochips into the brain, many people doubt that this will be possible due to the human nervous systems inability to regenerate so will most likely not be able to accept the chip within its system (Mizrach, 2001). It is also plausible to question whether the human body will even accept the chip and whether itll have any adverse reactions to it. There have been many times when this has been the case such as during the 1960s when pregnant mothers were given thalidomide in order to treat morning sickness. This resulted in the babies being born with multiple limb deformities (Cullen, 1964). Although this is an extreme case of the human body reacting with technology, it still calls into question the safety of modern technology. One of the main goals of the transhumanist movement is the ability to acquire superlongevity. There are currently many different theories regarding the means in which this is to be achieved however well-known theories include anti-aging drugs, stem cell research, and gene therapy. An example of life extension through anti-aging drugs is the possibility of human endothelial cell life extension by using telomerase expression. Expression of the catalytic component of human telomerase, human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), extends the life span of human fibroblasts and retinal pigment epithelial cells beyond senescence (loss of a cells power of division and growth) without causing neoplastic transformation (Yang, et al., 1999). Stem cells aid in the quest for immortality as they can either replicate or differentiate into many cell types. This is useful to replace dead cells, repair damaged organs/cells, regenerate and renew biological functions, and to rejuvenate cells by making them healthier and younger (Cell Malaysia, 2012). However, the use of stem cells has been met with controversy as the main source of stem cells is via human embryos. Many people disagree with the use of embryonic stem cells as it forces them into an ethical dilemma: whether to value the person who is using the stems in comparison to the belief that the embryo itself is also a human; that the embryos life must also be respected (EuroStemCell, 2015). Gene therapy is the delivery of nucleic acid polymers into a patients cells in the form of a drug to treat disease. A renowned type of gene therapy known as CRISPR-Cas9 has been considered when it comes to life extension as the Cas9 component of the CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) is a protein that is able to modify DNA. Once CRISPR has been perfected, old cells may never age again as the CRISPR technology allows for scientists to reprogram cellular DNA in order to get rid of unfavourable genetic changes (Faloon, et al., 2016). This report has considered the ways transhumanism will revolutionize society whether that be via cyborg integration, life extension, or the singularity, and how ethics does dictate a lot of what happens in scientific fields of research. Technology such as prosthetic limbs, telomerase expression and CRISPR-Cas9 have all been explored and mentioned and discussed, as well as the morality behind the advancements of biotechnology and what it could mean in terms of classism. Transhumanism (H+): an intellectual movement that aims to transform humanity by developing and using sophisticated technology that will be widely available in order to enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capabilities. The Singularity: the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in drastic changes to human civilization. Biotechnology: technology that is developed according to cellular and biomolecular processes that helps to improve the health of the planet and peoples lives. Cyborg: a hypothetical person whose physical abilities are advanced beyond normal human capabilities by mechanical elements built into the body. Life Extension: the study of slowing down/reversing the processes of aging to extend the average and maximum lifespan. References Cell Malaysia, 2012. How adult stem cell therapy do the reverse/anti aging ?, s.l.: Youtube. Cullen, J. F., 1964. OCULAR DEFECTS IN THALIDOMIDE BABIES. British Journal of Ophthalmology, March, 48(3), pp. 151-153. Dvorsky, G. P., 2010. Theres More to Singularity Studies Than Kurzweil. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 03 September 2016]. EuroStemCell, 2015. Embryonic stem cell research: an ethical dilemma. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 7 September 2016]. Faloon, W., Fahy, G. M. Church, G., 2016. Age-Reversal Research at Harvard Medical School. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 7 September 2016]. Mizrach, S., 2001. Should there be a limit placed on the integration of humans and computers and electronic technology?, s.l.: s.n. Pinker, S., 2008. Tech Luminaries Address Singularity [Interview] (1 June 2008). Stibel, J., 2015. The Coming Merge of Human and Machine Intelligence, s.l.: s.n. University of Adelaide, 2016. Cyborgs closer to becoming a reality of human evolution, s.l.: s.n. Vinge, V., 1993. The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era, s.l.: s.n. Yang, J. et al., 1999. Human Endothelial Cell Life Extension by Telomerase Expression. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 10 September, 274(37), p. 26141-26148.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Perspectives On Women In Brownings Poetry Essay -- English Literature

Perspectives On Women In Browning's Poetry One of the recurring themes in the poetry of Robert Browning, is that of woman, and it is this that I have chosen to focus on. In The first of the poems I have chosen to look at, Porphyria's Lover, Browning initially portrays the female character as the one with the power, although this in inevitably removed from her. In the opening lines of the poem: 'The rain set early in tonight, The sullen wind was soon awake' we gain a sense of forboding as the landscape of the poem seems to reflect the state of mind of the narrator, this is further explored in the next two lines where the speaker describes the weather as spiteful. All the narrator can do at this point in the poem is listen to the weather outside and he is completely helpless. 'I listened with heart fit to break.' However when Porphyria enters the poem, she alters the circumstances by replacing cold with warmth and seems completely unaffected by the weather even though it is she who has been out in it. 'And kneeled and made the cheerless grate Blaze up and all the cottage warm' Porphyria's actions at this point in the poem seem effortless in direct contrast to the impotence of her lover. Porphyria continues to take charge at this point in the poem by removing the evidence of the wet, cold weather outside, and even when her lover is unresponsive she manipulates the situation, moving his arm around her and placing his head upon her shoulder. We see at this point that her lover is the weaker of the two, but this is soon altered as in the lines: 'Too weak for all her heart's endeavour, To set its struggling passion free From pride' We finally see Porphyria described as weak, ... ... be even more attractive to the poet: 'What is far conquers what is near.' These women are the most perfect in the poets eye as they are whatever his imagination is capable of creating, they are the perfect idealistic objectification. These women spring from the poet's imagination in the moment of the poem being written just as they will spring from the earth to which he has returned. 'I will make an Eve, be the artist that began her, Shaped her to his mind' In Porphyria's Lover and Women And Roses, Browning treats us to two very different poems where a woman or women are the main subject matter. However, in both poems we see that the ideal figure of woman is one who has passed or is yet to be born as then she is able to exist in the most perfect state possible, not that of a real person with flaws and free will, but in that of a pure fantasy.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Defining One Country, Two System :: China Chinese Government Papers

Defining One Country, Two System Hong Kong is a very special city. It has a very interesting history. In 1842, Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong was ceded by China to Great Britain. In 1860, Kowloon Peninsula of Hong Kong was ceded to England. In 1898, the rest of Hong Kong, the New Territories and 235 outlying islands were leased to England for 99 years. In the early 1980’s, the British and Chinese government began to have negotiations about Hong Kong’s future since the lease would expire on July 1st, 1997. The leader of China, Deng XiaoPing, introduced the â€Å"One Country, Two System†. The â€Å"One Country, Two System† was intended by China to give Hong Kong’s citizen a promise that communism wouldn’t prevail over capitalism in Hong Kong. This way, China would gain trusts from Hong Kong’s citizens that the conditions would be the same when the Great Britain returned the sovereignty of Hong Kong back to China. British and Chinese representatives signed the British-Sino Joint Declaration in 1984, authorizing the transition of Hong Kong’s sovereignty in the midnight of July 1st, 1997. Hong Kong citizens were excited that Hong Kong would finally return to its motherland. China wanted to show the world that the â€Å"One Country, Two System† would be unique and successful so that China could attract Macau and Taiwan to return to China. In the early 1990’s, the Basic Law was published in order to make the practice of â€Å"One Country, Two System† a legal procedure. In the Basic Law, it stated that Hong Kong would become an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China (1). China would authorize Hong Kong to practice a high degree of autonomy, and enjoy executive, legislative, and independent judicial power (2). The executive authorities and legislative of Hong Kong shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong (3). Hong Kong residents would have their rights and freedoms (4). The socialist system and policies wouldn’t be practiced in Hong Kong, and the previous capitalist system and way of life would remain unchanged for 50 years (5). Hong Kong would protect the right of private ownership of property in accordance with law (6). The laws previously enforced in Hong Kong, the common law, rules of equity, ordinances, subordinate legislation and customary laws, would be maintained (8).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Abortion Essay

Lucinda Seongbae Eng : Persuasive essay on abortion Prof. Fitzgerald A Positive View on Pro Abortion Abortion has been a controversy for many years and viewed in many different perspectives. Some individuals see it from a very positive point when this is being caused by the nature of the woman’s health, the age and others. It may also be seen as a way of getting rid of an unwanted or accidental pregnancy for reasons that are positive and beneficial for most women. According to feminist perspectives on reproduction and the family, in some cases abortion can be a positive act depending on the cause. For instance, in the case of a rape, health reasons or in the case of having an unwanted child for reasons of age, marital status, and economical reasons abortion is a potent tool to undo some mistakes. However, whichever ways it is perceived abortion gives a woman the right to choose and should not be viewed as a negative act but instead can be seen as a positive act in most circumstances. Based on the many positive reasons for abortion, abortion should be supported. Concerning the woman’s health an abortion can be performed when the woman cannot hold the fetus for health reasons. For example a woman who has AIDs and the fetus infected already can obtain an abortion because there is no life for the baby. Also a woman who has cancer at an advanced stage cannot keep a child in her womb or she will risk dying at birth. In the case of some diseases, kidney disease, severe hypertension, sickle-cell anemia, severe diabetes, etc that can be life threatening, an abortion often helps to avoid serious medical complications from childbirth. This also brings emphasis to Roe V. Wade (1973), which granted women the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, based on an implicit fundamental right to privacy and argued that it must be weighed against competing state interests in maternal safety and the protection of prenatal life; it protected this right during the first trimester of pregnancy (Thompson, 50). At this juncture the person has very good justifications of her action and is considered a positive act on her part. Another positive issue concerning abortion is a situation where girls below fifteen years are pregnant. In such situation abortion is possible because the girls are too young for child bearing. Also in situations where very young girls have little or no health facilities to ensure safe delivery, such as in developing countries, abortion is the only possible answer in order to avoid some major complication. According to researcher Mayor, complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death in young women aged fifteen to nineteen in developing countries. An estimated 70,000 adolescent mothers die each year because they have children before they are physically ready for parenthood, and more than 90% of these births are in developing countries the report says (www. bmjjournals. com). In this case, if a girl of these ages chooses to get an abortion to avoid complications of childbirth and/or death she is only making a positive decision for her life. According to those against abortion or those who perceive abortion as a negative act, one would argue that since life begins at conception, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is in direct defiance of the commonly accepted idea of the sanctity of human life. In contrary, most abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it cannot exist outside her womb. Therefore, in this case abortion cannot be considered murder. According to Thomson (1971), â€Å"if women have rights over their own bodies, then they have rights not to have their bodies used by others against their will† (Thompson, 35-65). Therefore, even if it is argued that the fetus is a human life, the state has no right to force someone to donate use of their body to another person, even if that person is in extreme need. Another may argue that those who choose abortions are often minors or young women with insufficient life experience to understand fully what they are doing. Many have lifelong regrets afterwards. In defense to that, teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public ssistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced. Teenage births are associated with lower annual income for the mother. According to researcher Stanley, eighty percent of teen mothers must rely on welfare at some point. Teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of school. Only about one-third of teen mothers obtain a high school diploma. Teenage pregnancies are associated with increased rates of alcohol a nd substance abuse, and lower educational level (www. womenshealthchannel. com/teenpregnacy. index). In the modern world, abortions have become a norm of life and should not be looked upon as a negative act but an act of making a positive decision to undo some mistakes in life. Though women have been endowed with the gift of bearing a life form, an abortion gives them the option of whether they want to keep the present or not. However, an abortion should not be misunderstood for a convenience, as it does have its own advantages and disadvantages. The bigger picture that is being stressed is bodily integrity and self-ownership.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Event Industry

Tutor: Peter Haigh Event Industry Arsalan khan 21146310 Tutor: Peter Haigh Event Industry Arsalan khan 21146310 Critically discuss the negative and the positive impacts of the London Olympic Games from the perspective of all stakeholders, including the local community, the sponsors, the guests, the organisers, the volunteers and paid workers? Author: Arsalan Khan Module code: TH40009E Tutor: Peter HAIGH Module name: Event IndustryCritically discuss the negative and the positive impacts of the London Olympic Games from the perspective of all stakeholders, including the local community, the sponsors, the guests, the organisers, the volunteers and paid workers? Author: Arsalan Khan Module code: TH40009E Tutor: Peter HAIGH Module name: Event Industry This essay will look and discuss the negative and the positive impact of the London Olympics from the perspective of the stakeholders as well as keeping the local community, sponsors, guests, organisers and workers in mind.The main stakehold ers of the London Olympics are: * Customers * Athletes * Residences of Greater London * Sponsors * Tourists * Local business small/ medium sized * Large national businesses * International Business * Local councils of London * Mayor of London * Transport * Infrastructure * Emergency services * * Government & Olympic bodies * DCMS * BOA * LOCOG * IOC * NOC * The Legacy company * Other part-taking countries * Economy Financial institutes Olympic Games are going to have a huge impact on London and the surrounding cities there are going to be an extra 4 million visitors this year, this will not only effect all areas and business but will push the infrastructure of London to its limits. It will require unprecedented planning measures and the input of several different government and intelligence agencies to ensure a safe and successful Olympics takes place.Throughout London all employees will be stretched and may be preforming tasks which they may not originally been employed to do but a s the Olympics come closer there will be an increase in demand for manpower in businesses as everyone prepares for the mega event of the year. Already many firms have cancelled leave during the Olympic times. Already emergency services are under criticism as they fail to meet the required manpower number s and alternative measures are being put in place for example the fire service is no longer providing full ire brigades instead smaller response unites will be deployed around the Olympics sites. Local council will be ideated with demands form their residences and special permits for business and licences, this will stretch the councils workers across the board, many workers may be working overtime to meet the demand of the busy period. This will be a turning point for the councils as this will increase businesses in the area and employers will pay business rates, local councils in most areas of London will be finically better off.Most communities are involved as it comes to the run up to the Olympics and the legacy company is ensuring they stay involved after the games are over, when the host city was chosen and the work commenced communities and businesses at the east of London suffered months and months of carnage and when the games are finished they will be able to enjoy the faculties left behind. There are many negative points of the Olympics such as overcrowding, major risk due to political instability in other countries residents may feel they are at risk of attack from exterior sources.Mass funding will flood in to London from overseas business and the boom in the tourism industry this will encourage the well needed economic growth, employment will rise to its highest levels and drop back down after the Olympic games. The Olympic Games will encourage new and younger athletes to take part in the sports and carry on the games legacy. Bibliography Tassiopoulos, D (2010). Event Management. 3rd ed. Republic of South Africa: Print Communications. 186-248.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How War Is Necessary Essay

Mr.Weirzbowski-English 10 War has been with mankind for many millenniums. The reasons for wars in mankind’s history have all been various, however one big reason for war is that countries want to grow bigger, by taking over one another. Throughout history, rulers would not be satisfied with the amount of land that they had or wanted to spread their beliefs around the world. So, they did it by trying to take over others. However, some didn’t want to give up their land or change, so they fought. Fighting these wars are, however, necessary no matter what people believe. This is because fighting them and winning will stop them from controlling others. Some wars that stopped countries from controlling others are the second world war, the war in Vietnam, and the Revolutionary war. However, there are claims that the Vietnam war could’ve been avoided, but there would’ve been consequences for going to war. War is necessary because it’s a way to try to stop countries from dominating o ver others and controlling them. There are many ways that war has stopped countries from controlling one another. Firstly, the Vietnamese war was necessary because, the war would’ve stopped the spreading of communism to neighboring asian countries, also known as the â€Å"domino theory†. The idea of communism started with the election of Ho Chi Minh in North Vietnam. Kennedy wasn’t concerned with Vietnam until Lyndon B Johnson called Ngo Dinh Diem the â€Å"Winston Churchill of Asia† because, Diem was the only one trying to resist the communists and Johnson promised to help him. Noam Chomsky, a US philosopher, stated that if a country better its economy due to communism, neighboring countries would try to improve their economy using communism, as seen when China influenced North Vietnam. Had communism been successfully spread to South Vietnam, then Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. Also, other countries would’ve lost faith in the US for not prote cting S.Vietnam in their time of need. This shows that the US needed to fight this war to stop the communistic ideals from spreading to countries and to keep the confidence of other countries around the world, so that they could help the US when the US needs them. The second world war as necessary  because, it showed how the world responds to a fascist ruler controlling a major country, trying to claim the world. It also showed how the US would react when attacked by another major country. Hitler want to create a â€Å"master race†, which was blonde-haired, blue-eyed people. So when he came into power, he had convinced the german people that jewish people were less than humans and should be treated as such. Thus he started taking over various countries in Europe and started killing jewish people to start his plan. While that was happening, the US was maintaining neutrality and supplying Britain, Russia, and China with weapons until the japanese attacked pearl harbor on December 1941. The US then declared war on Japan and fought in the Pacific theater until August 15th, 1945. Had the axis powers won World War II, North America and South America would be surrounded by dictators ready to destroy democracy and take over the world. Also, H itler’s plan would’ve probably been completed and the world would’ve been comprised of blonde, blue-eyed people. However, the war told us that when we are concerned with individualism, we become selfish and corrupted or under the influence of corrupted selfish nations. This war was needed because, when one tries to dominate and take over another country, we become blinded and end falling. We need teamwork to stay strong in the world. Finally, the Revolutionary War was necessary because, it allowed rights normally granted by the king, to be for every single individual. It also sparked other revolutions, along with stopping Britian from controlling the colonies. When the French Indian War concluded, King George III made the Proclamation of 1763, which stated that no colonists may settle west of the Appalachian and anyone other than Indians there had to move from the area. The Boston Massacre also brought them closer to the revolution, because British soldiers killed 5 civilians for calling them names. The Stamp Act of 1765, Townshend Act of 1767, and the Tea Act of 1773, were all attempt of Britian to try and control the colonies in North America. However after the war, the Declaration of Independence was signed and Britian let the colonies rule themselves. With this newfound freedom, the colonists were allowed to trade with anyone they wanted, colonize past the Appalachian Mountains, set up a new government and th e British moved out of the colonies. Had the colonists lost the war, the US would probably still be under British rule to this day. Even with all this evidence that war is necessary, people still see war as a terrible thing. Going back to the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese War could’ve been avoided because the US could’ve stayed neutral and let the problem in Vietnam blow over, instead of sacrificing 50,000 men. The war would’ve been avoided and Vietnam would’ve became a communist country along with possibly, part of Asia. Robert McNamara, defense chief under John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson, says that he doubted Vietnam would let China or Russia use them as a base, but that’s the US had feared at the time. The US had feared that China or Russia would use them as a base they could use to control more parts of Asia. The Vietnamese could’ve probably fought the war themselves and probably resisted the communistic ways of China and/or Russia. The belief about if war is needed in the world or not cuts both ways. Either that it helps bring everlasting peace in the world closer or it’s useless and all it does is kill off innocent people. War is a big thing that stops countries from trying to gain total global domination or keeping them at bay until they give up. Until that happens, there will be allies who will attack at a moments notice when a country is trying to bite off more than it can chew.There are so many more examples of how war is necessary in the world that this would be a lot longer than it is already. The concept of war may seem bad, but in the end, it’s all worth it.

The Extent to Which an Organization's Structure Not Only Shapes Its Essay

The Extent to Which an Organization's Structure Not Only Shapes Its Culture, But Also Its Ability to Transfor - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that a thorough literature review on the subjects of organizational structure, transformation and culture reveals a great wealth of information on the two subjects. Handled individually, it is evident that organizational structure and culture are quite important in the realization of an organization’s goals and objectives. Unfortunately, little has been done in covering and unearthing the relationship between structure and culture in an organization. Similarly, the relationship between an organization’s structure and its ability to transform and manage change has not been exhaustively discussed or debated. Notwithstanding the fact that the influence of organizational structure on culture and transformation has been overlooked in many studies and practical management of businesses, there exists a rather important interconnection between these aspects of an organization. However, it may be quite a difficult task to distinguish a n organization’s structure and culture since structure always operates within a business culture, implying culture and structure are quite intertwined. While culture refers to the umbrella issues and manner/patterns in which an organization operates, structure refers to the infrastructures, methods, and practices therein. The structure of an organization thus helps ensure that its culture is practiced and run efficiently and consistently. Given this important role of structure in shaping an organization’s culture and ensuring cultural consistency and efficacy, establishing good structures should be the hallmark of every organization. The structure therefore not only influences and shapes organizational culture but it is also an integral part of the culture. The culture of an organization is also a responsibility of its structure, which relates and deals directly with the settings of an organization’s culture. For instance, cultural issues in an organization such as the workings of the management, employees’ responsibilities and the handling of disputes and complaints are all directly tied to its structures and how they work. The main way in which structure affects organizational culture is through the role of structure in interconnecting the different groups/teams in an organization hence enabling them to work smoothly to realize organizational and personal objectives and progress. In this regard, the elements of structure most important in shaping an organization’s culture and its smooth operations include effective communication and coordination among employees and departments. Several theories have been developed to highlight the role of structure in influencing the culture of an organization. The first among these theories is the pre-bureaucratic structure. In this structure, an organization lacks the standardization of tasks and is mostly applicable to small businesses, which are adaptive and have no repeat scenario. The second structural theory is the bureaucratic structure in which larger organisations establish certain processes and procedures to help in meeting their objectives.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Edward Hopper's paintings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Edward Hopper's paintings - Essay Example His paintings did not gain any recognition or income, as most of the people during his period were not interested in the realistic style paintings. He struggled to gain identification but was less successful in his attempts of exhibiting his artworks to the people. In 1923, he met Jo Nivison, who was an artist and later his wife, brought a breakthrough into his life. She modeled for nearly all of his paintings, and acted as a strong moral support to him in his career. Soon, he began his second gallery show at New York, a one-person exhibition, where he was far more prosperous and his works became more prominent, making it a commercial success. The reputation of his paintings soared in the coming years and in 1930, his painting, House by the Railroad, was placed among the permanent collections at the Museum of Modern Art. In his lifetime, he created more than 800 paintings, watercolor prints as well as many drawings and illustrations. Most of his works presented New York City architec ture, with stark interpretations of American life. â€Å"Hopper sought and explored his chosen themes: the tensions between individuals (particularly men and women), the conflict between tradition and progress in both rural and urban settings, and the moods evoked by various times of day.† Even though most of Hopper’s works were done with oil painting, he also mastered the technique of etching, which brought him commercial success. His works embodied an eerie mood of stillness and a sense of estrangement.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Euthanasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Euthanasia - Essay Example In passive euthanasia, no action is taken to prolong life, and death occurs naturally. In Great Britain, Lord Joffe has introduced a bill which would legalize assisted dying. Although this bill was introduced in 2004, it has not had a chance of passing until recently. The reasons for this is that society has changed with respect to the issues surrounding euthanasia. This paper will examine the arguments against euthanasia, and the arguments in favor of it, and make a conclusion about whether or not euthanasia should be legalized in Great Britain. Arguments against Euthanasia There is not a doubt that Christianity, as a religion, has profoundly influenced the debate surrounding the right to die. However, before Christianity was established, the practice was condoned, even honored. In Ancient Greece, one could apply to a tribunal for the right to die, and, if successful, would be given hemlock to ingest. The practice was even the subject of parties – the elderly and the infirm would ingest their poison at a banquet that honored their lives . This changed with the beginning of Christianity, and Christianity, as a religion, was the basis of outlawing the practice. Early Christian thinkers, such as St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine were influential, describing euthanasia as a grave sin. The church continued to influence the debate, even during a period of time during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment of the 18th Century, in which the practices resurged, yet were kept in abeyance by the Church. 7 The Church’s reasoning on the rejection of euthanasia is that the act is inherently wrong. Therefore, because of the fundamental objection to the practice, the Church remains opposed, no matter how much good may come out of it.8   Christianity also believes that it is a sin because life is a gift from God, and, unless one is defending one’s own life, or defending others, life is not to be taken away.   According to this view, man is made in God’s image, so it is not for man to end his own life.9   This is not to say that the Church advocates for keeping someone alive by any means possible. In fact, the official Christian perspective on heroic measures to sustain life is that these measures should not be taken. Denying or withdrawing heroic measures is differentiated from euthanasia because one, euthanasia, is actively ending life and the other, denying heroic measures, is simply letting somebody die. Also, one is intended, and the other is unintended.10   Because the official Christian perspective on h eroic measures is clear, this principle would encompass â€Å"Do Not Resuscitate Orders† and removing patients from ventilators.11   Therefore, the official Christian stance on euthanasia is that it is forbidden. According to Lin (2003), another reason why the Church has taken this stance is because of the Sixth Commandment, which is â€Å"Thou Shalt Not Kill.†   This Commandment, in turn, is based on the view that only God has the power of life and death, and euthanasia effectively usurps this authority.12 St. Thomas Aquinas based his objections to the practice on this view, citing Deuteronomy 32:39, which states that God â€Å"will kill†¦and will make to live.†13 Hatzinikolaou (2003) bases his objections on the respect for the dying process. According to him, death is sacred and the last moments of a person’s life are the moments which should be respected.   It is during these moments, according to Hatzinikolaou (2003) that man has the chance to repent and prepare for his soul to be